Category: Uncategorized

  • “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it…”

    Sat out in the swing this morning looking out onto my little slice of heaven on Earth and thought what a lucky girl I am. Father Sky has rendered a deep blue sky with clouds in colors of white and gray and purple. Where there are breaks in the clouds the sun is kissing the…

  • God takes us into deep waters…

    Sat on the porch this afternoon enjoying the coolest most wonderful rain shower, refreshing the air, giving my vegetables and flowers and lawn a much needed drink of water to quench their thirst. I could almost watch the grass getting greener by the minute. Just didn’t last long enough to really deeply water things. The…

  • We look so long at the closed door we don’t see the one that’s open…

    Pretty morning. I sat perched in the swing eating my bagel and watching the squirrels and birds on the feeders. Fatty amazes me jumping from the oak tree to the feeder poles. Bet he’s jumping three feet or more. I saw an American goldfinch today. Don’t know why he’s hanging around. I read they are…

  • I see the moon and the moon sees me…

    Walking Penelope this morning earlier than usual and I saw the moon was still up. He had stayed up later than usual partying with the twinkling stars. Mr. Waxing Gibbous Moon resembled a luminious celestial pearl, floating beautifully, hanging low in the dark blue sky canvas. I marveled at the different colors of white and…

  • By perseverance, the snail reached the ark…

    Got a little rain today! Noticed a little greening on the grass so maybe it was a enough for some relief for things growing. We really need a good soaking rain. Today was so bright and blue and sunny. The sky had thin wispy clouds, pulling apart till they disappeared on the horizon. I perched…

  • The burden becomes light that is shared by love…

    Today was summertime hot and things wilted, including me. Didn’t do much pondering in the swing after I filled the bird feeders, washed and filled the bird baths, watered all the vegetables and my flower garden and my porch flowers, and then risked my life bending over to search the massive zucchini plant for any…

  • Perhaps they would be as the firefly, a living poetry…

    I’m sitting in the swing telling myself I’m not hot but I feel the 93 degrees very well. Late afternoon sun is filtering down the street through the oaks so prettily, kissing golden the tops of the trees and highlighting the leaves in their summer green colors. Penelope didn’t even get up when I walked…

  • “Then shall I see the glories of my dreams…”

    Today was a carbon copy of a summer day in sweet home Alabama — beautiful blue sky, a few white clouds, birds singly loudly all day. A big mocking bird sat on the topmost branch of a tall fir tree across the street and sang his heart out. Honestly, I think he sang for an…

  • There is beauty in imperfection…

    Been sitting in my purple metal yard chair watching the sunset this evening. The twilight is cool and beautiful. I thought about this quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow — “Softly the evening came with the sunset.” I love the image that conjures up in my mind when I read this quote. Describes tonight perfectly! Mother…

  • Every house on my street has a porch…

    Been enjoying the cool breezes on the porch this morning. The sky is azure blue and the clouds, here and there, are white and fluffy. The sun is bright and clear giving her warmth to the vegetables and flowers in my yard. The birds are happily visiting the feeders and bird baths. Porches are wonderful…