Category: Uncategorized

  • There is beauty in imperfection…

    Been sitting in my purple metal yard chair watching the sunset this evening. The twilight is cool and beautiful. I thought about this quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow — “Softly the evening came with the sunset.” I love the image that conjures up in my mind when I read this quote. Describes tonight perfectly! Mother…

  • Every house on my street has a porch…

    Been enjoying the cool breezes on the porch this morning. The sky is azure blue and the clouds, here and there, are white and fluffy. The sun is bright and clear giving her warmth to the vegetables and flowers in my yard. The birds are happily visiting the feeders and bird baths. Porches are wonderful…

  • Plant spiritual seeds…

    Another beautiful day the Lord has blessed us with. I ate beakfast on the porch and enjoyed the morning’s bloom into day. My yard is full of birds flitting around the feeders and drinking from the bird baths. The juvenile cardinals are colored in such wondrous plumage as they begin to mature. Some of the…

  • The flower that blooms in adversity…

    Last night Mother Nature’s paint brushes created a sumptuous sunset pageant in shades of hot pink and purple. She brushed a watercolor wildfire across the horizon that ran down the street in my neighborhood and exploded behind my neighbor’s house in a profusion of hot pink. I’ve never seen such a glorious painting. Mother Nature…

  • An “outgoing, cheerful, friendly man…”

    Sat in the swing pondering on my daddy today. He loved the porch swing and sat many summer nights on the porch till the house got cool. As a child I’d go to bed content and feeling safe as I went to sleep listening to the porch swing’s squeaking symphony. Porch swing squeaks and slamming…

  • Always be like water…

    The Lord has created another beautiful hot summer day, sapphire blue sky, bright yellow sun, white fluffy clouds. Ate a late breakfast of bagels and fruit perched in the swing this morning, watching the birds and squirrels enjoy their morning. I moved the iron bowl of squirrel food to a place where I could watch…

  • “Faith is the quiet calm before the storm…”

    Sitting in the porch swing this morning watching the birds and the squirrels scamper around and I’m thinking how much Chief enjoyed the gardening of spring and summer. He was always so proud of his first tomatoes, his favorite vegetable. I understand how he felt. I feel the same way when I pick a cucumber…

  • I see a portal to heaven…

    Today was another blue sky summer day, beautifully dressed in its clear sunshine and white fluffy clouds. Been watering my flowers and vegetables but they really need some of nature’s rainfall. The birds and squirrels and one little chipmunk visited the bird baths frequently for a drink of water. I moved the bird baths into…

  • To nurture a garden of faith…

    I’m perched in the swing this morning enjoying the glorious day the Lord has given me, drinking coffee from my favorite bird mug. I’m grateful for my health and thankful for the happiness I find in my song birds, my little garden, and my pots of flowers. Been watering my vegetables and flowers this morning…

  • Happiness is like a butterfly…

    Been pondering on the porch today. I feel well enough to perch in the swing. The day was so pretty with a glorious breeze. Oldest sister-in-law came over for a short porch visit. She always says she’s not an outdoor person but she enjoyed the breeze on the porch and remarked how pleasant it was.…